Fun with Fundoscopy

It was fun playing around with ophthalmoscope, especially when I can appreciate the findings. It was hard in the beginning, when I tried to perform fundoscopy in a correct technique and to appreciate what I saw. So, as the saying goes, practice makes perfect!

My weapon during ophtalmology posting, thanks buddy for lending this to me :)

A normal view

I had seen one fundus similar to this picture this morning in the clinic.
(After laser to treat proliferative diabetic retinopathy)

Ok, time to sleep....zzz


Express my feelings...

I ended my ENT posting, haha. Next week, I will embark on another small journey to the world of eyes next week...

During the last 3 weeks, I learnt a lot from Prof. Sani, he was the best supervisor I ever had. I was very blessed to have him as my supervisor.

I am very excited to enter ophtamalmology posting now....I had the spirit to see a lot of eyes, haha...I wanted to see as many patients as possible, and gained as much experience as I can.

I hope that I can have a supervisor like Prof. Sani later...then my ophthalmology posting would be more interesting and happy!

I had never felt like this before, being so excited to enter a new posting. Maybe this is because of going through the happy ENT posting.

Ophtalmology, here I come!



现在, 当我拿下眼镜后, 我的世界变亮了....XD
怎样? 好看就赞赞下, 不好看的话, 也赞赞下.



今天,我的新眼镜做好了。 我把我现在戴的眼镜给他们,需要半个小时弄好 (我只换眼镜,没换眼镜框)。因为我有几件事要做,而且那时已经4点了,而我怕等下 office hour 又过了,所以我就没戴着眼镜着去完成想做的事。


总之,眼镜在我生活里是一个很重要的必须品。没有它,我会过得很辛苦。看看哪天我很有钱了,就去用 laser 把我的近视给治好。


These photos brighten my day :D


Stinky the Snail

I like to play Plant vs Zombies. Best game ever! hehe...

My collection of plants ^^, and my dear Stinky, the busiest snail in the whole world...



My first posting is as my title post, or known as ear, nose and throat in laymen term.

Everyday, I have classes from 8am till 4pm. And today, I finish my classes at 630pm. Crazy eh? But strangely, I did not feel tired or dislike with this kind of life.

But during the first few days when I started this posting, I felt depressed. Cry for few nights. I was not in a good health condition. Panadols were my savior during that time. I can't afford to get sick. As day goes by, I started to adapt myself and started to like this posting.

I think the major drive for me to go through this posting is that I was under Prof Sani, a weird, interesting, and funny doctor. Sometimes acting like a child, and sometimes can be really emotional too. Haha, I was so fortunate to have him as my supervisor. He likes to teach us, and I learnt a lot during his clinics.

And then, I have few friends who are always besides me, supporting me. (so mummy, don't worry about me k..i'm fine..)

I find this posting interesting too, with diseases that I had never thought of. Oooh, ear, nose and throat can have so many kind of diseases too. The medical tools used by the doctor to view the ear, nose and throat are interesting too.

During this first week, I develope a syndrome, known as sleep-early-syndrome. Haha. But I like this syndrome, I can wake up early and prepare for classes. Not bad not bad. Ya, I can go through this posting swiftly and happily!

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